I haven't started my first saltwater tank yet. I've been doing freshwater heavily for 6 years now. I started with livebearers, than goldfish, than catfish, than gobies, than cichlids.
I feel as if I have a great footing in freshwater. I feel very comfortable with my understanding of their needs and care. I thought this would better prepare me for keeping saltwater when it came time. I have been reading TFH, including their saltwater for over 2 years now. I also have some books with saltwater info them.
Than, out of the blue, a former saltwater hobbyist gave me his old tank, stand, and equipment. I was soo excited and I still am. I immediately dug out my old issues of TFH and re-read all the saltwater columns. Than I went and re-read my books. Than I out online and joined a bunch of saltwater forums and started researching about corals, fish, inverts, equipment, live rock, etc...After all of that I've come to realize how little about saltwater I really knew. I thought reading TFH for 2 years would at least give me an advantage but after doing more online research I realized those 2 years were just the tip of the ice burg. I feel like my knowledge of freshwater is not helping much at all for saltwater. This has come to make me feel some what overwhelmed this the experience of starting my first saltwater tank. I'm so worried that I'll do something wrong and end up with a tank of dead fish. I'm tempted to just keep one small damsel in my 55gal and nothing else.
Have any of you felt this way when you were new to the hobby?
I feel as if I have a great footing in freshwater. I feel very comfortable with my understanding of their needs and care. I thought this would better prepare me for keeping saltwater when it came time. I have been reading TFH, including their saltwater for over 2 years now. I also have some books with saltwater info them.
Than, out of the blue, a former saltwater hobbyist gave me his old tank, stand, and equipment. I was soo excited and I still am. I immediately dug out my old issues of TFH and re-read all the saltwater columns. Than I went and re-read my books. Than I out online and joined a bunch of saltwater forums and started researching about corals, fish, inverts, equipment, live rock, etc...After all of that I've come to realize how little about saltwater I really knew. I thought reading TFH for 2 years would at least give me an advantage but after doing more online research I realized those 2 years were just the tip of the ice burg. I feel like my knowledge of freshwater is not helping much at all for saltwater. This has come to make me feel some what overwhelmed this the experience of starting my first saltwater tank. I'm so worried that I'll do something wrong and end up with a tank of dead fish. I'm tempted to just keep one small damsel in my 55gal and nothing else.
Have any of you felt this way when you were new to the hobby?