A little light thinking about, when I set up the 250 gallon, that’s currently in the garage, in storage…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
So I’m sitting here this morning looking at my main group of tanks, thinking about what I like, and what I’d do differently, and what would work, with the discus fish I’d like to put in that tank….
Starting at the bottom… I really like the black sand I chose for latest 45 gallon I set up… it’s a little coarser, but still a sand… the darker substrate, makes the lighter color fish, and the brighter colored fish both “pop” we like the albino Cory’s in the black sand, and thought about the orange laser Cory’s… as far as plants, I’m pretty happy with what I’m currently running for terrestrial plants, and like what they are doing both as far as looks, and for the fish… as far as underwater plants, I’m slowly experimenting with my other tanks, and Java ferns are the only thing I’d consider, that I’ve tried so far… I may end up having to move my Geo’s I was sold, in error… as to weather that would be a good fit, or if I add another 55 gallon, or gift them, to be determined… I think some electric blue rams, and platinum rummy noses would work, as tank mates… maybe as many as 2 dozen or so rummy’s… while I like my angels, they can be bossy, so maybe 1, special one, probably no more… maybe a specialty pleco or 3… thinking gold stripe tigers L-169’s right now, but that’s not solid but I have 5 more zebra Oto’s coming next week, I’ve had one that has survived the last 2 years, but at least 6 I’ve tried, have not… finding a good source for them has proven challenging, but a dozen zebras thriving, would be an awesome sight… right now my tanks are in the basement, the only tanks visible for most company are my Tilapia tanks, in the entryway… ( which are functional, but not in any way showy )
So I want this to be a bit of a show piece, to save having to drag company down to the basement, to see what I get to enjoy, every day…
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Whoa, send that tank south if you decide not to use it! Sounds fantastic. As they say in real estate....location, location, location. But in our 'world' add, foundation, convenience of maintenance and most important, approval from the 'the boss' before proceeding! :) Looking forward to seeing the progress of this new adventure! Get 'em @Magnum Man!

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