A Little Help


New Member
Sep 13, 2006
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Manchester, UK
As a first marine tank (i have a tropical one) would a Rena Aqualife 200 x 50 (723litre) aqauirum be ok?

Also does anybody have the information I would need for setting up this particular tank I have read loads but don't know how to work the sand, salt, rock quantities etc etc.

Also where do I get enough of the right water if I can't use tab water?

If someone has a guide on this I will hapily pay for it I just want to do it right.
Welcome to TFF David

A 723 ltr (150g) is a very good sized tank to start with & a bloody expensive one

Live Rock - Your gonna need around 70 - 80kg of Live Rock to cover you Biological filtration (I can email you a pdf on making your own)

RO Water - Have a look at RO-Man Ro Units - you could just get your RO water from your LFS but that would involve an awful lot of trips back & for

Salt - Reef Cyrstal, Instant Ocean & Kent are generally 3 of the most popular (I always go for the 25kg Buckets)

There have been a good few posts recently about setting up new tanks - have a trawl through a few pages * give us a shout with any questions

What you thinking of for Flow/Circulation
Thanks for your reply, I have been reading loads but still wasn't sure on how to work out how much of everything I need. It is costing me quite a bit but I would rather start large and pay out once :)

I know I will need some powerheads for circulation and possibly a wave mimic thingy (great terminology :) )

So far I have the tank cabinet
2 Eheim Professional II filters
1 Turbo Flow Protein Skimmer
heater etc etc

No power heads need some diff lights maybe, and none of the salt sand or rock.:(
I got 2 sets of Halides in the last year from EQJ Trading & found them very good

My Live rock was a mix from STM, UDA & some from a mate breaking down his tank

Your Externals aint really necessary tbh, you could use them for extra flow & maybe to run Nitrate, phophate etc Reducers

There are other oprions than Powerheads/Streams tbh

You could use a Closed Loop System - using external pumps & Piping

Or simply place a few Seios/Tunze's in the tank (you will need a minimum of 20x tank volume - 14500 lph FOWLR & Softie Reef or 30000 lph for SPS & LPS- roughly

Dont know much about the skimmer tbh

have a look at Melv's reef Site for some diy mods
kool and thanks all good links, how do they send the rock to keep it cured?

I figured I would have to use the filters to start until I have enough live rock as 80kg will cost me a small fortune lol.
kool and thanks all good links, how do they send the rock to keep it cured?

I figured I would have to use the filters to start until I have enough live rock as 80kg will cost me a small fortune lol.

They send the rock wrapped in wet paper - this will give you die off when you add whci h will help your cycle

IMO Externals are a thing of the past for Marines JMHO

As I say I have a pdf on making LR if you are interested oor have a look at Reef Bones
I do want it to run independant of a filter but I don't think i can get all the live rock at once which i thought would be a problem.

I would like the pdf can you send it me to my email address. - david[at]xd2[dot]net

I might try and order a bulk of rock to start with then and let the tank cyclethat way.

Thanks again :)

You have mail

Yes I have just read it. It is a very interesting way of making base rock, If I have the time I might try it out though base rock is a lot cheaper from my LFS anyway so I could just buy less Live rock.

Would love to have a few custom pieces in there though.

Thanks agin for all your help

p.s. sorry to be a pain, how much live sand will i need to get a 4 inch bed :|
4" is very deep for a sand bed

is there a reason you wanna go that deep as 1.5" would be less hassle, safer & would be sufficient
erm I think I read it on one of the articles somewhere about what to think about before you go head first into a marine tank :(

So roughly how much to cover 1.5 inches then :) wow I just saved myself over 50%
erm I think I read it on one of the articles somewhere about what to think about before you go head first into a marine tank :(

So roughly how much to cover 1.5 inches then :) wow I just saved myself over 50%

Well if I am right, the dimensions of a Rena Aqualife is 200cm x 50cm x 70cm

& for a 1.5" Covering of Argonite Sand you will need about 60kg

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