A Little Harmless Fun For A Friday


Smart Homes System Specialist
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score

8 our of 20 for me. Which means am niether an expert in Ikea products and death metal. This is a good thing, IMHO.
8 out of 20 for me too.
Im no expert either although i have been dragged around Ikea many a Sunday afternoon lol
12 out of 20.
Not too bad considering I've never been in Ikea and I don't listen to death metal! Ha.
14 out of 20. I do love there Salmon in the cafe though.
I was also guessing as everything is in Greek here.
You scored 15 out of 20!

Congrats you are... 


You know that Furkantig means “square” in Swedish to describe the candles that you have on your altar. And above it? The raddest picture of Euronymous ever. Seriously, you scare children and their parents alike, all while wowing them with your design sense. Please check out our agency site. We’d be honored.
Until the light takes us, Your friends at Gatesman+Dave.
I can speak a little Greek but cannot read it yet even though I know the alphabet .
I scored a 12... not sure what that means for me.  Paging Dr. Freud.
I only scored 11 which quite surprised me because I love Swedish metal - well, at least I listen to In Flames but unfortunately they weren't in the quiz :lol:
18 out of 20.
Some of them I sadly recognised from Ikea. What can I say? I like their horse balls in gravy.
Some of them I recognised the bands. Not sure what that says.
DrRob said:
18 out of 20.
Some of them I sadly recognised from Ikea. What can I say? I like their horse balls in gravy.
Some of them I recognised the bands. Not sure what that says.
I am......
I got 13/20.
I've never been to Ikea and I didn't know many of the bands, despite my 16 yo being a big death metal fan (actually he said most of the bands were black metal, not death, lol).
On the plus side, I've now become a huge fan of Nortt and Drudkh :D

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