a he-she swordtail


New Member
Aug 26, 2003
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san diego, ca
a couple months a ago we got a female pinapple swordtail (noni) for our male (lilo). they never had fry but they stuck with each other. a couple a weeks ago we got another female (scrump). we noticed that noni was slowly growing a "boy fin", where she used to be a girl. last week lilo died and now noni's back fin is extending into a swordtail and he/she is sticking with scrump. i have heard that a female can get confused after the have fry, but they never did so how could this be possible?

kristyne :/

ps scrump has been sitting at the bottom of the tank. she shows no signs of sickness, but just to be sure...
Do u know how old is Noni when u got her(him :lol: )? They might not develop the swordtail until 4 months old.

Or may b she's well passed the pregnancy age. So there's some hormone upset in her, making her to exhibit some male characteristics!

One way to check her real sexuality is by looking at her-his anal fin, whether it's actually a fin or a gonopodium. A boy should hav the latter n a girl should hav a fin.

Let us know wot u find out. :D
I noticed something similar in my swordtails. I bought two, one male and one female (Cory and Topanga). Lately I have noticed that Topanga has been holding her anal fin very close to her body but I thought it was just the way she was swimming. But last night I noticed her (?) waving her anal fin around like a gonopodium. I am pretty sure she is switching her sex! I am going to have to watch and see if he/she is going to develop a swordtail. Topanga is a good sized fish too, looks to be full sized for her species.
infant340 said:
maybe it was a male wen u bouhgt it its jus that it didnt gro its tail yet.
It is a possibility but it was really full sized. I have never seen a fish suddenly change like this. I was wondering why my male (or other male) wasn't trying to hump her though. :lol:

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