A Good Pleco...


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Could someone suggest a good Pleco for a 30 gallon? I really like Plecos and I can't find one that is good for a 30.
There is literally hundreds that you could keep in a 30 gallon, but it depends how much you are prepared to spend and whats available to you. Clown Plecs are a nice, colouful and readily available starting idea. :)
ryan said:
There is literally hundreds that you could keep in a 30 gallon, but it depends how much you are prepared to spend and whats available to you. Clown Plecs are a nice, colouful and readily available starting idea. :)
Although you may never see yours :p If you do get a clown (or any other shy pleco for that matter) see if you can make most of the hiding spots in the tank visible :nod: My Clown pleco is beautiful, but I have rarely seen him :X
I was thiking of a medium sized Pleco, you know, like a nicly colored one that isn't too shy.

EDIT: I'm heading out to the Fsh store today so, help is needed! ;)

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