That link gives reasonable basics, but doesn't give info on tank sizes.
A pair of fancies need 55 gals +. A tank about 4-5 foot long basically. Common golds need a tank of 6 foot long + . To be honest commons really need to be in a pond as they grow so large and active.
Tell them to look for a 4-5 foot second hand tank. It'll cost them FAR less than buying a new one.
They'll need a large external filter to cope with the waste produced. An internal simply won't cut it. Something like an Eheim classic would work . These cost around £70 and upwards new, so again, looking for a second hand one is a good idea.
Water changes once a week,every week 25-50% replaced with clean dechlorinated water.
Plastic and silk plants weighted down will work better than live, as golds like to munch the live ones and dig them up.
If they haven't the time, money and space for any of this then they should retrun the fish as they'll only end up dying and your friends will end up wasting money buying replacements and wondering why it isn't working.
How big is this starter kit?
Something 10 gals or so, if heated could support a small tropical community. Explain that basic tropical fish require exactly the same care as goldfish, they just need a heater that's all. And an internal filter like a Fluval 1 or 2 + will do a ten gal just fine.
If you can persuade them to return the golds and go tropical, then a nice alternative to goldfish that look fairly similar is Gold Barbs. You could have a group of 5 easily, they're active fish and entertaining to watch.
Or maybe male guppies or platies, or a betta, or some harlequin rasboros, something like that .