A Good Catfish, And...


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
I will be purchasing a 55 gallon withing the next two months and I've came up with a few fish I'm going to put in it. So far I have: A Ropefish, Moved from my 30 gallon,(he's still small) three Clown Loaches, some larger New World Chichlids, and maybe a Butterfly fish. But, I'd like to get a catfish that is pretty big, but can live comfortably in the 55 gallon. I also want to know if I could put in a Birchir, like a Cuveir's. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated! :)
I keep birchirs and wouldn`t advise you keep them in a tank like that, not one which is so mixed. They need a lot of swimming space and do grow large.
Good luck with the tank though, i have butterfly fish and providing you feed dried bloodworms, insects etc. they are really nice fish to keep.
I don't think a Butterfly Fish would go well with New World Cichlids I am afraid so I would leave that out to. Theres a few Catfishes you could try, I would suggest a fish from the Pimelodidae family, one of the smaller members like Pimelodus pictus or you could try some Hoplosternum thoracatum. Theres quite a few, check out Planet Catfish for some ideas.

Moved to Catfish Cradle seeing as the theme is Catfish you may get added help there. :)
It depends on what cichlid, my ABF is fine with the severum, geo and rainbow cichlid. As a catfish, I reccomend pictus cats. Also a tip on feeding butterfly fish, blow the food towards them, and when it gets close enough they eat it. Mine loves any insect that floats, as well as freeze dried krill, bloodworms, and brineshrimp, which all float.
I've kept Pictus cats before. Really fun fish to keep. If you can get 2-3 and they will be even more fun.
I really like the Striped Rapheal Catfish they are great scavengers and they are a lot of fun to wach them swim around the bottom of the tank, looking for some food.

Daveo :flex:
I think I'll go with two pictus cats and some new world chichlids or something, maybe not a butteryfly... -_-
Daveo said:
I really like the Striped Rapheal Catfish they are great scavengers and they are a lot of fun to wach them swim around the bottom of the tank, looking for some food.

Daveo :flex:
Except they don't come out at all...My dad had one for a while and only saw It when he put it in the tank and got it out :no:
i say ditch the clowns and the cichlids.

The ropefish will outgrow the 55g. Get a bichir!! THey are sweet ass fish!
Get a senegal and maybe a delhezi. Some species get way too huge for a 55g though. Do a google search on them and see if yo u like them.

Their scientific names are polypterus delhezi and polypterus senegalus
No, a Rope will be fine in a 55. A birchir is the one who would outgrow it. They need LOTS of room to swim around. Plus, I really want Clown Loaches. :)
Stingraykid, i disagree with you.

Ropes can grow to be 36". A senegal and delhezi will max out at around 12".
Do what you want though, its your tank.
Ropefish get 18 in captivity, and Bichirs can get bigger than the size you mentioned to, but in captivity they don't :)

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