A Goldfish Labret Piercing


I Harth Darth
Dec 1, 2004
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My own place!!! Niagara Falls, Ont.
Okay, so I have this thing for posting the weird and sometimes cruel things I find about fish online.
This one, however.. I couldn't decide what category it falls into as the piercer makes a valid argument regarding fishing lures.

Can anyone find anything wrong with this process?

Fish Piercing
Looks photoshopped to me but I guess it's no worse then going fishing. Still think it's stupid though :dunno:
30 second memory huh? That was proved to be incorrect on that show Mythbusters :p

EDIT: That is also sick, wrong, and most likely stressful for the gold fish. How does this idiot know that the fish was happy with it's piercing :grr: He should get a life an pierce inanimate objects if he is actually this bored :sick:
I knew that link was going to have something to do with BME!!! Not only am I a fishy nerd, but a piercing nerd as well :p

....I don't recommend combining the two, though!! :rofl:
The only thing I can say about it is that it serves no purpose :dunno: Of the list of things that we do to animals, most have a purpose. I will say I don't believe in declawing though ;)

I love to go fishing, done it all my life and I have caught many fish that have hooks in their lips already. Don't know why you would want to do it just for fun though :dunno:
balloon molly said:
declawing has a purpose though.so save furniture damage
but this has no purpose :huh:
declawing also imho is also crule there are many ways to crub clawing furniture that remove pieces that naturaly grow on your pet, it is sick how people modify their enviroments and their pets whenever something displeases you (look up deyapping and justfiy that)

Although that was slightly off the topic I'm true a person who belives in keeping things as natural as possible, I've personally never dyed my hair or been into body modification of any sorts what people do to themselves doesn't bother me but it troubles me when I see animals being honestly, abused in this sort of fashion. Because truely that is what it is Fashion. Yes fish while fishing might be snared by a fishing lure and perhapes a few have gotten away but most fish caught while fishing are not hooked for astectic purposes. I agree this is just the next step first dyeing, and what next fin cliping? Right now we have enough problem with fish being treated improperly to have to start justifiy poking metal and making holes through our babies.
balloon molly said:
declawing has a purpose though.so save furniture damage
but this has no purpose :huh:
Eeek, I would really read up on it. I'm not trying to be preachy, to each his own, but it really is an inhumane process.

There are alternatives, including claw covers. My cat is declawed but I acquired him afterward as I would never do that.

Also, I've had cats all my life and never has one continuously damaged furniture. They are easily trainable.
Sorry to get off topic, but anyone who thinks declawing is a good idea must not understand the process.
They actually amputate the tips of each of the cat's toes. Amputation of fingers was often used as a torture method in various cultures around the world because it is extremely painful. The pain doesn't stop after the wounds heal, either; as many human amputees will tell you, phantom pain often persists for the rest of a person's life... it's not hard to see the same thing happening in animals.
Edit: Not to mention how traumatic it must be for the cats to suddenly wake up with the tips of their toes gone... there's no way I'd ever put an animal through something like that just to save my furniture.
..Just a thought..
Since fish live with the fishhooks in their lips, is the actual concept of this cruel? I know that he did this intentionally to make the goldfish look cool, but if other fish live with a hook, is an acrylic tipped, less sharp piercing worse because it was done on purpose?

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