A Game Of Name That Fish


New Member
Jun 21, 2008
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ok had a change of plan, i have bought a juwel vision 180 tank that already has fish in it, i wasn't all that bothered about buying a stocked tank as i have to wait to sort out the filtration system now, so i now have to setup another tank for the fish to do this. but i do like the fish that came with it so i'm pleased with my buy.


i need help confirming what fish i have got, and also any info that you may have on them.

1. this i think is a duboisi cichlid, apparently bloodworm is no good for him. he is very active, more on him later!!

2. i have 3 of these, are these synodontis catfish? what is the bright yellow one? i have 2 of these i think

3. what are these stripey fellows? one in the background and the grey and black striped one in the foreground, i have 2 of these.

and another of the one at the back

4. this one i think is the same as the bright yellow fish

5. this is some sort of a pleco

6. and a group shot

now for the later business about the blue faced one, he has been picking on one of the fish, and i dont think he is very fighting fit anymore

i've taken him out for now and placed him in this he obviously can't stay there so was hoping after the move things moght calm down a bit and big blue might leave him be. he really is relentless on the poor fellow.
I think you're right about the first picture.

The bright yellow one in picture two is a lemon cichlid, Neolamprologus leleupi. The cat is a syno of some sort, maybe Synodontis nigriventris, but

The striped fish in the background of picture three is a Julie. I think Julidochromis dickfeldi, maybe ornatus. The one in the foreground I'm not familiar with, the closest match I can find in my Tanganyika cichlid book is Altolamprologus compressiceps.

Number four is Neolamprolongus brichardi. I was cycling a tank for them until the filter burned out, haven't replaced it yet. Not quite the same as the yellow cichlid, but they are related. They breed ridiculously if you have a pair.

The pleco I'm really not sure of. Some Ancistrus species have spots like those, so I'm going to guess a bristlenose of some sort.

Nice tank. I've been planning something similar on a smaller scale myself.
Agree on the tanganyikans :good:
I'm pretty sure that the catfish is a synodontis petricola

edit: nice cars behind the tank,
Petricola does look more like the catfish than my guess. I don't really know synos that well.
thanks all i can do some more research now.

About the little beat up fish, his fins look very poor, should i set up another small tank for this little fellow or risk putting him back with blue face, now that the fish seemed to have settled in.

Or is too late for him now?
thanks all i can do some more research now.

About the little beat up fish, his fins look very poor, should i set up another small tank for this little fellow or risk putting him back with blue face, now that the fish seemed to have settled in.

Or is too late for him now?

You could try rearranging all the rocks and introduce him back into the tank. If he is continued to be bullied you'll want to remove either the bully or the victim.

Just keep the water really clean, cichlids recover very quickly.
hmm some developments. Sorry to be a pain. Got home from work yesterday morning and found 1 of the fish at the bottom of the tank on his side. Took him out and put him on his own and he didn't last out the day.

Checked water

Ammonia .25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 (tap water 10)
Ph 7.8 (same as tap)

Did a 40% water change and gravel vac and todays results are

Ammonia .1 (looks like)
Nitrate 20

Have i done anything wrong? All other fish look fine apart from the smallest catfish. It's belly is huge, why?

Also how long should i have the tank lights on for through the day? They are 2 bulbs but one has a blue tint to it compared to the other.
The first one is a Tropheus Deboisi, second is a Lab. Leleupi "yellow", The cat is definatly a Syno Petricola, next you have an Atlolamp. Calvus "Zambian Black", That appears to be a Julie Ornatus, lets see next on the list is a Brichardi "Daffodil", your pleco looks like a possible galaxy but dont take my word on that. Pleco IDs arent my thing. With the exception of the pleco, the fish you have will not get over 6". You'll find that the Calvus literally take forever to grow to full size, Im talking several years to max out.

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