A Friggen Crab.


New Member
Nov 22, 2007
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New Orleans, LA, USA
While fishing, my grandfather caught a crab. He thought it'd be cool to put in his saltwater tank. I tried to tell him that the thing would eat all his fish but he didn't listen!

So now, I've got him.

And I don't know anything about this little dude. I call him Krusty. He's a normal green crab. Don't know what his species name is or anything. Right now he's a baby. (I can provide pictures if someone thinks they can tell me what kind of crab he is.)

I have a bunch of questions about him.

The first time I got up close to him, he started throwing sand at the glass of his tank. I thought maybe he was pissed and wanted me to go away. But over the days, I've noticed he just does this on a regular basis. He'll get in the center of some sand, push it forward, then switch sides and do the same. What the crap is he doing?

For a wild crab, he's not an ass at all. I can stick my finger in there and he doesn't even snap at me(totally different if it's a fork or some other object). I've picked him up and held him as if he was a friendly little hermit crab. I expect him to try and chomp off my fingers but he doesn't mind at all. Doesn't even show any signs of fear. :blink:

What do crabs eat..? Right now I'm feeding him those little frozen squares of shrimp that you can give to your saltwater fish but I imagine some small live fish or something similar to that would be better. Something he can claw to death, cause he seemed extremely happy with my grandfather's seventy dollar fish in his claws.

Does he need air? Should he not be completely submerged in water? (I have him in salt water because that's where he came from.. but would fresh water harm him? I have no clue about crabs.)

Does he need friends? Should I go find some more crabs like him and throw them in there with him?

That's all at the moment. If I have more questions, I'll edit my post. Help will be extremely appreciated. :rolleyes:
I agree, please put it back. (S)he's a wild animal and if you don't know what it is or what type of water it needs I think it's safe to say it really needs to go home. :-(
best find out what he is first. but i would check that it is legal in your area to collect live creatures and remove them from the beach. we need pictures though, and good ones.
best find out what he is first. but i would check that it is legal in your area to collect live creatures and remove them from the beach. we need pictures though, and good ones.

Okay he's a blue crab, not green, color just hasn't set in because he's a baby. And he's salt-water, which he is in right now. It is legal. We usually eat them.

I do want to bring him back but I can't just go do that. I have to wait and that's going to be some time, so I want to make sure he's okay while he IS here.
the only real worry you have is oxygen reqirements and temperature.

your home will be much much warmer than his natural environement.

One thing you could do (that I want to do) is run a 'cool water' rockpool type aquarium, in which you could house 'freebies' gathered from the beach..... but you really will need some kind of tidal action...
the only real worry you have is oxygen reqirements and temperature.

your home will be much much warmer than his natural environement.

One thing you could do (that I want to do) is run a 'cool water' rockpool type aquarium, in which you could house 'freebies' gathered from the beach..... but you really will need some kind of tidal action...

now that is an idea i would love to see fleshed out!

would a tide action be a must? i know that beach crabs, only emerge when the tide goes out. but would they not simply move to the dry area of the tank, when the moon tells them the tide should be out? Red and Fiddler crabs seen to manage ok without a tide action, and both are, essentially, estuary dwellers.
:rolleyes: :lol: sorry, totally different subject...

But i.ve just spent 5 mins trying to remove the little fly from my comp screen! only to discover, its in the post above this!


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