A Friend For The Gupps.

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Fish Crazy
Nov 12, 2003
Reaction score
Swimmin around in the Chesapeake Bay ;) in Marylan
I recently got a 10 gallon ..YAY!! :D :D .. and right now all I have in it are my two guppies. The parents and I think i should maybe throw a couple more in so I have conned my dad into taking me to a petstore in the next town tommarow afterschool. The closest thing to us locally is Wal* Mart and I am no longer going to purchase my fish there :thumbs:, so this trip to "Noah's Ark" (thats what the store is called) will be a treat! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Basically, I want to know what kinds of fish will get along with my guppies. I have a 10 gallon and when I'm at the store I'm going to look for some live plants too so if any of you have some suggestions for what kind i should get feel free to leave them too. :nod:

Thanks!!! :)

OH :eek: !! I wouldn't mind adding a ghost catfish. I saw some at Petsmart when i was getting my tank and I thought they were pretty cool :shifty: . Would they be okie with the guppies? Is there anything special I have to do to take care of them?
Hi, your best bet if this happens to you or any topics you view is to PM a mod who is online with the link to the topic, they can then easily split off the old posts, it does a lot more than just posting in the topic where we may not necessarily click on :)

As for friends for your guppies- have you thought about other livebearers - platies mollies or swordtails perhaps?
Hey there, glad to see another guppy lover. All my females and males get along with the fish my signature. Luckily guppies are somewhat peaceful fish so you have many choices. The ghost fish should not be a problem with them either. :D
Okie!! ^.^ I don't want to load up my tank too much so i may only get 2 or 3 fish.

Thanks for the merging topics tip , William. I'll be sure to do that next time.

Does the ghost cat require any special treatments? Any special food othe rthen flake food? I recently got some Hikari Daphinia..would a cat eat these?

Any other suggestions, plant or fish are welcome :) . Thanks to the people who have posted so far! :thumbs:
Ghost catfish aren't going to work in a ten gallon tank. They are a schooling fish that can get to be around 4 or 5 inches long. Some corydoras catfish would work though, they are docile schooling fish that get along well with just about every other type of fish. You could also try adding one dwarf gourami, I have one in my setup. They are colorful fish that are good community fish.
i'd go with the dwarf gourami suggestion

i'd recommend you avoid getting a betta as they can consider nicely-coloured guppies as rivals
Yea the ghost catfish need special food and we feed them frozen brine shrimp at work. Out of all the fish I have ever kept together in my 80 gallon the only fish that I have had died were 4 guppies. I have a feeling it was because their fancy tails make them an easy target because they aren't fast swimmers like all the other fish. I would personally suggest more guppies or other types of live bearers.
get urself some good ol corys and maybe and otto and maybe some black widow tetras or whiteskirts thats my opinion or a dwarf gouarmi
Ooooh.. :/ well okie about the ghost cats.

I didnt get my hopes up on them too much so its all good :D . A dwarf Gourami sounds interesting...**looks up pictures of them**. I'm going to write down a list of the fish all of you are giving me and take it with me so that i have it after school when i go :nod: .

I wasn't planning on a betta because i had considered the finnage idea.

Well all of this sounds good!! I'll look for teh fish you all recommended tommarow when i frolick through the store :lol: :lol: :hyper: :hyper: :D :D

If you still haven't gone I think the gourami is a great idea, there is a few different colorations to them I used to have a flame, neon blue and honeys but I didn't have much luck with them. But that was probably just me. ( I got them from a not that great fish store anyways)

So the set-up I would recomend is a dwarf gourami and maybe a few cories (3-4) or instead of the cories, you could get some kind of smaller fish like some kind of small tetra. Or you could get a dwarf gourami, 3 cories and maybe 3 black phantom tetras or something similair to their size. HTH :thumbs:
Oooh..I didnt see any corys!!! Well maybe i did but i didnt lok hard enough i guess >.<.

Anyway, I see alot of you put get "a" dwraf gourmi..well..my dad wouldnt get off my back until i got one to be firends with the one i got so I have 2..>.<..is this okay? Will they be okay together?
in a 10 gallon tank i think you'll have some trouble with 2 male dwarf gourami. i have 2 in my 30 gallon tank and they argue quite a lot over territory

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