A Fo For Under $200


Fish Herder
Aug 17, 2006
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Could I do this? A FO aquarium, no LR or CORALS.

I'd need a skimmer and seasalt. I'd need a Hydrometer too, wouldn't I? Would I need a power head? What else would I need. Keep in mind I wouldn't have CORALS so I wouldn't need any special lights, would I? I'd add LR later on. Could I get examples of the different prices of these components. So could I do this for say under $200.

I already have a tank [29 gal] and filters [a HOB one and a canister].
It depends really, you could keep it under $200 though. You need a hydrometer, or refractometer, a good quality salt, skimmer, test kits (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and high range pH), enough filtration to turn the tank over at least ten times per hour and a heater. And whatever decorations you want, sorry can't give prices unless your an Aussie.

One warning though if you plan to add LR later on, remember you'll need an extra heater and powerhead as you'll have to cycle it separately to prevent the die off polluting the tank and killing fish.
Just get 30 lbs of live rock, RO water, a hydrometer, and a jug of salt. That should only cost you less than 150. FOWLR tanks are really easy and dont require much to get it started.
If you have a tank and a filter then the minimum you need for a FO is some salt, some dechlorinator and something to measure the salt level.

A test kit would go well.

A skimmer is not a necessity, especially on a smaller tank where water changes are less of an issue (and in a FO where nitrates aren't a serious issue).
It depends really, you could keep it under $200 though. You need a hydrometer, or refractometer, a good quality salt, skimmer, test kits (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and high range pH), enough filtration to turn the tank over at least ten times per hour and a heater. And whatever decorations you want, sorry can't give prices unless your an Aussie.

One warning though if you plan to add LR later on, remember you'll need an extra heater and powerhead as you'll have to cycle it separately to prevent the die off polluting the tank and killing fish.

What is a refectometer?

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