A Fine Kettle of Fish

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That One Guy
Staff member
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May 25, 2019
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On the banks of the Yellowstone
Woke up this morning and turned on the light above my five gallon in the living room and what do I see ? At first just one tiny Guppy fry and then a few more and looking around maybe a dozen . I just got my Guppies last Monday and they’re pretty small but the biggest female had a nice dark gravid spot . The pet shop called them feeder guppies and they were only fifty cents each . Got my moneys worth here huh ? There’s a lone Platy fry in the picture too . His two friends are somewhere else . They liked their first meal of newly hatched brine shrimp . Plump pink bellies all around .
They're like shrimps. You get them pre-inseminated.

A phenomenon that occurs in closed environment. it's very visible with live bearers. With time they become smaller and berried younger and live shorter lives in crowded tanks.

If you separate them and give them enough water they all become full developed adults.

At the moment in my test, a single cherry shrimp needs at least 5 gallons of water and tranquillity to grow at it's maximum potential. As soon as crowding is involved life is shorter and size reduced, by a pretty good stretch.

It's a little like segregation on islands that produce giant or dwarves in the long run.

Accelerated home version.
Even seeing newborns so often, I still think each birth is a miracle...
Oh , I completely agree with that thought . I linger long in looking at these tiny fish and I marvel at how something so small can be alive in such an unforgiving environment . I was amazed to see that their first order of business in their first minutes of life was to find food . They really are a miracle .

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