A Film On The Top Of The Water


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2005
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I did a water change and the next day, there is a murky film at the top of the water. Any help?
I don't know if it's the same thing or not, or if this will help or not, but my tanks get a film on the top when I don't have sufficient surface agitation. If I make sure my filters are stirring up the surface of the water sufficiently, I don't get a film. On my 10 gallon tanks, with a whisper 10 filter, there is so little surface agitation I get a film occasionally. It bugs me, so I'll run an airstone in the tank for little while to clear it off.
does the film look shiny like an oil slick, or is it more dull and dusty looking?

what kind of filtration do you use?
Well, I turned on the air pump and the film went away. Do I have to have the air pump always on now? Or can I just turn it on during school?
that actually happened to me when i added to much water last night because my filter was making to much noise either take some water out or just wait it out like i am make sure the black fram on the top of your tank and the water level are equal

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