Fish Fanatic
Here are a few ways to save money and find a quick fix to problems.
-Filter Floss=100% polyester fiber (use poly fill for the same effect, but cheaper)
-Plastic canvass, fishing line, and silicon sealant make good guards for filter uptake tubes to keep out small fish and large debris
-Plastic canvass, fishing line, and some plastic spoons can seal off the back open section of an aquarium to keep escape artist fish from leaping out. (had it happen with hatchet fish)
-Filter Floss=100% polyester fiber (use poly fill for the same effect, but cheaper)
-Plastic canvass, fishing line, and silicon sealant make good guards for filter uptake tubes to keep out small fish and large debris
-Plastic canvass, fishing line, and some plastic spoons can seal off the back open section of an aquarium to keep escape artist fish from leaping out. (had it happen with hatchet fish)