A few randon questions...


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Southern California
Ok here we go...

1. Does CO2 effect pH? If so how?

2. Has anyone used common "pea gravel" from the hardware store in their tanks? (I have some in my "pond" but was wondering about the regular tanks)

3. Has anyone done bussiness with Heavenlyfish.com? Were they a good company? (They have discus for $10!!)

Thanks in advance!
sry cant really help u much but the 10 dollar Discus thing, alot of sites will do stuff like that and have cheap fish but the shipping and handling can be alot.
1) CO2 causes a lowering of the PH. If you want a scientific explenation of why I can't help you out.

2) Pea gravel is fine to use, just rinse it well first.

3) no.
So if I have driftwood that is lowering the pH and CO2, will it get too low? Do I need to counter it with some coral sand or something?
1. Does CO2 effect pH? If so how?

Yes and no B) If your water is hard, lots of carbonates (high KH), then CO2 probably doesn't affect at all. If you have lots of plants, they may use excess CO2 to assimilate. If you have low KH, then it may affect and pH drop down...

But... CO2 dissolves actually very poorly to water if you use passive methods.

CO2 may dissolve and forms weak acid, carbonic acid (H2CO3).
1) Answered by some one more knowlagable than me :)

2) See #1

3) Discus is the kind of fish you want to purchace when you can see it, and know it has been at the LFS for at least 2 weeks. They are more sensitive that your regulare finned friend. And these fish are about patterns and subtle colors which you really need to pick out by hand.
I have a CO2 "injector". I was told I needed it for my plants. My water is on the soft side 7.2 when it comes out of the tap, usually goes down after being in the tank a while. The KH is 60ppm, I think that measures out to about 3 degrees. I'm quickly losing my interest in all this chemistry. It's all very ambiguous...
There is a couple of things I've figured out about this chemistery stuff over the years.

First, people care more then the fish do. Fish are adaptable, they can handle a wide range of parameters. They are also more often then not aquarium bred, so the parameters of their original biotope isn't much of a factor any more anyway. Messing with water perameters can do more harm then good as the water becomes more unstable.

Part of the reason your ph steadily declines is because the nitrogen process itself gradually forces it down. This is one of many reason why regular water changes are so important - weekly water changes will keep your PH up and stable. Otherwise I don't believe you should bother worrying too much about this whole thing.
I have a tank that is fully planted, with a DIY yeast CO2 system.

........ If you have a normal planted, well lit tank there is no real need for any of this?

I know I'm kinda new but all the plants, and some fish I got came from a bigger tank with a low PH 6.5 and a pressure CO2 system.
The PH of my tank was 7.4 when I filled it with tap water now a week later the PH is 6.5 in the mornings and 6.8 just before lights out.. I will do water changes in the afternoon as the biggest fall in PH seems to be overnight.

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