A Few Questions


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Sugar Land, Texas
Another Newbie here,

I have had a problem with Blue Tangs. I have had two and they keep dying on me. I have checked all the levels and none of the other fish are having problems just these. I have 3 clownfish, a yellow tang a few snails and three starfish. It is also a 55 gallon tank. I would like to get a flame angel but have been told they are agressive. Is this true? One more thing I swear! On the back of the tank I am getting little hard white bumps. Is this salt? And is there a way to prevent it?
You might get a better response if you repost in the saltwater fish forum (scroll down). Good luck!
I'll bet the yellow tang has killed the blue tangs, 55gallons is really tight for a tang and they are teritorial fish so to have more than one you need a very large tank.

Also the only way to prevent the salt scale from forming is to keep the water from splashing there.

Can't tell you about the angle though, good luck
What size were the Tangs?

The truth is, a 55 is too small for even one Blue Tang once they start growing.

IMO, the Angel would be a far better addition for you.

Agressive is a subjecive term in saltwater. Compared to tropical fish, many marines would be considered agressive. Mostly it is just territorial issues though.

Sound advise so far. Sorry to say but in a 55 gallon tank, Tangs really are not an option and you should be looking at 100 gallons as a starting size.
Tangs in smaller tanks will fight or get stressed and catch whitespot.

Flame angels are fairly peaceful as long as you dont have similar shape or same species fish in the tank.

As for the white lumps....
Is this inside or outside the tank? if its inside then does these lump appear in shaded areas or areas where the lights cannot reach very well? If this is so then they are probably Sponges. DO NOT touch them or move them as they are extremly delicate and a good addition to the tank. These creatures will filter feed in the shaded areas. Of of course the lumps are outside then its probably saltcreep and you can wipe ot away with a wet cloth.
Navarre is right on the sponges. The others are right about the tangs. Though I have seen yellows do quite well in a 55.
If the things on the glass look like little coils, they're good too. I found a reference for them somewhere (wetwebmedia maybe) that said they're a filter feeding relative of the fanworm and are a good indicator that you've got a healthy, maturing tank.
Thank you for all of the advice. It shows what the employees know at my local store he said 55 was more than enough room. :dunno: Anyway sorry about the wrong forum thing it was pretty late and I guess my head was not there. Also the white spots are inside on the skimmer plastic.
No appologies needed my friend! Welcome to the marine section in anycase, I do hope that the members here can help you with any problems you face, and of course im sure they will benefit from any findings you have in your tank. The most enjoyable thing about this hobby is that no matter how experienced you are, there always seems to be someone with a new way of looking at something or something occurs in the tank that has neverhappened elsewhere etc.

If these white spots are tiny and hard them its possible its some form of barnacle, fan worm or other secile invertibrate. I would say its beneficial and not to dissturb it if possible.

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