A Few Questions


Mostly New Member
Feb 10, 2016
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have a 118gal tank relatively few fish.
my aquascape is minimal
i know you can use driftwood and such after you prepare it but can you you use old reclaimed hard wood lumber if you treated it the same way?
also any ideas for bottom of tank swimmers thought kuhli loaches but have a rock substrate and researching they say they prefer sand
As stated in your other threads, lumber is not recommended in fish tanks.
And yes, Khuli loaches prefer sand, and IMHO, would be lost in a 118 gallon tank.
What is it that attracted you to the Khulis?
there are many freshwater fish with either vertical stripes or enlogated bodies, although I don't know of any off the top of my head besides khulis that have both.
I agree with Jeremy. You need to be really careful what you put in a tank as there could be all sorts of chemicals and such like lurking. I always boil my wood from the lfs as a precaution so I'd not recommend anything such as timber in your tank

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