A few Questions


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
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SO I bought one of those Eclipse systems about 5 months ago and everything is perfect. Ive got all the right bacteria (they gave me an already cultured bio-wheel). But recently I bought a peice of wood to go in my tank. I soaked it in water for about a day and then I put it in my tank but it changed my water a little yellow. I know I was supposed to soak the wood for like 5 days but I didnt. Are my fish going to be hurt by this? Its been about 3 weeks with the water yellow, and nothings gone wrong but I am scared they are being affected. I dont know if I should do a water change or not. My fish are very active.

Another Question, do goldfish like cold water, would putting them in an 80 degree tank kill them? I have been told it would.

Also. I feed my dwarf puffers and ghost shrimp only live blood worms, The puffers wont eat the frozen mysis shrimp I bought. They just spit them out. Is that a healthy diet? Oh yeah and one of my shrimp has all these eggs. Do I have to worry about a shrimp infestation or will my filter kill the larvae. I like shrimp but I just dont want anymore.

One more thing. How can you tell the males from the females, I have heard that the males have some characteristics like a dark line that runs along the side of their bodies and a dark line on the underside of their bellies with a bright yellow belly and eye wrinkles. Ive got two males that have all these characteristics and one fish with the rounded body shape of a female but really defined behind the eye wrinkles, could it be a hermaphrodite? Or do females have behind the eye wrinkles too. I want to have more females than males in my tank but right now Ive got 2 defined males 2 defined females and one that I just dont know about.
no the wood will stain the water for a few weeks.

ive got bog wood in mine and it staind the water but the fish do not get harmed, they like it even because it is a natural colour for fish as there is lots of wood in ponds etc... so i heard
To answer a different question...

Others may disagree, but I think that 80F is too warm for a goldfish. If you're going to mix goldfish with tropicals (why?), do it around 72F.
I dont want to mix the goldfish with the tropical tank, its just my sister cant take care of her godlfish anymore and since I have a good tank with a good filtration system I though I might save some money but putting them in, rather than having to go buy a filter for her fish. Shes moving to Arkansas and cant take them with her. I have spent a lot of money on my fish and I just was hoping the situation might work out.
See my sig below. My common goldfish are happy at 76F. Think about it, people all over the country have common goldfish, many people have central heating so typicaly they are at 21C.... then you have UK summers like last year it was 28C in my livingroom.

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