A Few Questions


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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Right here goes,
1, I have been given a 46 gallon tank with a 25 gallon sump. At present I am running a eheim 2213 in a 30 gallon but was told I could use this to pump the water from sump to tank, will this be strong enough and is it worth using the sump as I only have livebearer community tank?plus I have live plants and heard sumps remove the co2 so I would need to replace that, right? If I dont use the sump i will get another filter to run along side but how do I go about filling the hole in the tank do I buy a piece of glass slightly larger than hole and stick over the top? what with.

2, I need to set up lights as it came without any, I only want 2 tubes. what fittings, tubes do I need? the tank is 48in. they have to fit to a lid as I have cats and they would love to get a paw or 2 in it.

Any help on any of the above would be greatly appreciated. I am out for the day so will not be replying till this evening if you have any questions that I haven't answered.
no, you dont need a sump it would create too much agitation to hold enough co2 most likely. I've never had to fill a hole permanently but i would say that just by patching it you'll get a leak eventually. I would think the best way to seal it off would be to get a bulkhead n put a valve on it and keep it closed
Sorry bit thick what is a bulkhead? I am thinking that the sump is overkill, so will definately need to close off the hole.
I don't have any experience sticking glass together so I would go with the bulkhead, add a 90 degree bend and point it upwards (add small piece additional straight pipe if required) and cap it , the water can't go any higher than the level in the tank. Above parts would be cheap as well.

How about this lighting unit with individual reflectors?

Or you want to make your own?
I don't have any experience sticking glass together so I would go with the bulkhead, add a 90 degree bend and point it upwards (add small piece additional straight pipe if required) and cap it , the water can't go any higher than the level in the tank. Above parts would be cheap as well.

How about this lighting unit with individual reflectors?

Or you want to make your own?

I would prefer to build my own as I need to build a lid anyway and dont have a lot of funds. So just a starter unit for twin bulbs I gues but I dont understand the w bit I would like one blue and one white that I can run seperately. Any ideas thank for help so far
hey, i'm also doing what you are doing, setting up a 4ft tank from scratch.

we are building our own hood, and will probably be using 42" bulbs. i think i've settled on an Arcadia Ultra seal Double 36-38w Control Unit. the only other one i could find was the hagen glomat, but the tubes seem to be close together, where as with the arcadia i think they could be set at the front and back of the hood, although don't think it matters if it's a smaller width tank.

i asked on a thread here about lighting units, so you might like to check it out. i think the arcadia unit has two separate controls, so you could have one light on, and one not.

i also asked about which tubes, here but had no replies yet.

in the first thread there, i was told i might only need one tube, but i will be having plants, so i asked in the second thread about which to use.

the only thing we seem to have stalled on, is how to build the actual hood. we've done that before, a good few years ago, but we don't want it to be too heavy on the tank.

hope this gives you a few lighting unit ideas!
there are loads of good lighting units on ebay for £25(were i got mine from)

And there are some good diy hood building tips on google and on here. i put aquarium hoods in google and found a diy guild.

I've just bought a 3 foot tank and got to make a hood for it... but ive only got a 18" tube light so got to make a special reflector so it light both sides... should be ok as its a fry rearing tank and got no plants.
Hubby is building the hood in the pinned topic and we are building the cabinet into an alcove.
Right I will keep a look out for a T8 double starter and get 2x 40w bulbs, I.ve got about a month so plenty of time to shop around. Thanks for all the advice. :good:

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