A Few Questions


New Member
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Grimsby, UK
Hi there. Im not new to fish keeping, I have been doing it for about three years. (which may be "new" by some peoples standards!)

I come here because I need some advice.

1) I have just bought a new betta. I love him to bits. However, I think he is bullying my two male guppies. Their fins are pretty torn up. I'd hate to have him kill them, they are nice specimens. My question, is my betta doing this, or are they doing it to each other? (There are none other in my tank who would, I only have Neons and Corys...)

2) What would be the best diet for him? He is on a little flake food at the minute, but I also provide frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp, daphnia, etc... Though I have watched him and he eats the pellets for the Corys on occasion.

3) He seems a little "laid back" A very lazy young man... Is this normal, what are typical behavior characteristics?

Thanks in advance for your answers. I used to use this forum a lot but forgot my details...
Hiya! Welcome to TFF :hi:

I would say it's most likely your betta is nipping your guppies. Because guppies have the gorgeous long tail, bettas can mistake them as another betta and therefore competition. That said, male guppies generally do best in a bigger group of males to spread the aggression out [6 or more] or in a ratio of 2-3 females per male [but then you'll have zillions of fry] because they can fight amongst themselves.

His diet sounds good! Variety is excellent, I feed pellets mostly and bloodworm a couple of times a week.

All of my male bettas have been veeeery relaxed. Chilled out to the point of lazing around on plant leaves and the heater. As long as he's swimming about, occasionally flaring I'd say he's a happy chappy. Is he doing okay with the current of your filter? Are there places to hide in your tank? Maybe if the bullying doesnt stop a critter keeper for the betta might be a good idea. They can live happily in a couple of gallons.

Hope this helps some :)
First of all congrats on your new boy!!! :hyper: Any chance of a piccie?
1) It was most likely that your betta did this to the guppies. Bettas are prone to attacking other fish with long, flowy fins as they think it's another male betta. He will probably continue attacking them which could result in dead guppies. I would separate them, see if the guppies can go elsewhere or try to find something to put the betta in, 1 gallon minimum. If you don't have an extra tank, poke around your house and see if you can find a container to put him in. There's a great thread of suggestions for betta tanks, take a look.
2) Variety is the key! What your feeding him sounds good but you might want to switch the flakes for pellet food. Hikari betta bio gold is a good one, none of my fish have ever refused it :)
3) They're just like people, some are hyper, some are crazy, some are laid back, etc. Just be glad you got one who isn't a neurotic tail biter, LOL!
Hope this helped and enjoy your new guy!

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