Fish Crazy
i seen a advertisement for a free tank today and thought why not it would do my molly fry for the time being however when i arrived the geezer said i had to take the fish that was in it and i said ok no prob what kind were they to which he replied i dont know they are goldfish kinda things i thought oh oh here we go so when i got the tank i immiediatley seen 3 fish (very similar to the ones in the picture in a 5 gallon tank) i knew immediatley they were in a small tank for them and that they were not looked after very well poor fish as the guy sed xcuse the colour of the tank i havent cleaned it in a month again i was tempted to say to the gezzer but he might not have given me the fish thus meaning the fish would have suffered more so i was totally unexpected to have these fish and as im fairly new at keeping tropicals id like to know some answers to these keeping these coldwater fish please
1)the first thing is what kind of fish do i have ??? like i said they are similar to the picture above
2)one of the fish has what i can only describe as a large blue pupil what is this likley to be and how can i cure this ??? poor fish
3)what is the diet of these fish??? i did get given goldfish flakes but as a tropical fish keeper can i also feed these fish frozen brine shrimp/bloodworm as i do to my tropical fish
anyother useful info and help will be much appriciated thanks in advance joe