A Few Questions For Work

Aug 20, 2006
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Calgary Alberta

I always get people coming into the pet store I work at, asking what other fish can be mixed with Goldfish. I know very little about this matter. Majority of the tanks are between 20-50 gallons. Does anyone know of common aquarium fish that can be mixed with Goldfish in a cold water tank? I hear blood fin tetra can be alright? Cloud minnows will normally get gobbled if the goldfish are big right?

Thanks in advance,

I dont know if the clouds get eaten up but i have also heard or danios being used with goldfish. thou i am not a fan of goldfish so i really dont know.
Bloodfin tetras are not suitable for goldfish tanks. They are tropical and don't tolerate the cold. Also they are quite small and narrow and get eaten by bigger goldfish.
White cloud mountain minnows can be kept with small fancy goldfish (fantails, orandas, pearlscales), but will get eaten by bigger goldfish.
Rosy barbs can be kept with small to medium sized comets and common goldfish (single tailed goldies). But will sometimes nip the fins on the slower moving fancy varieties of fantails.
Danios of various sorts can be mixed with small to medium sized goldfish. They are quick enough to avoid being chomped by comets and don't usually cause problems to fantails.
Livebearers like platies and mollies can be kept with them if the water is warm enough.
Bitterlings get along fine with most small to medium sized goldfish
Paradise fish can be kept with medium sized comet and common goldfish but occasionally some males get nasty and bite the goldfish's eyes out.

If the water is kept warm then you can keep small peaceful barbs, rainbowfish and small peaceful rift lake cichlids with them but it is preferable not to keep anything with them except other goldfish. It is also preferable not to mix single tail and double (fan) tail goldfish together. The single tailed fish are more streamlined and can get more food. If they breed then male single tailed fish will chase, harass and possibly kill female fantails. The fantails just aren't designed to keep up with the comets and common goldfish, and in the long run will usually come off second best.

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