A Few Pics Of My Rio 180 Marine Tank

Looks good.

I was going to convert my 180 to marine but decided to sell and get a bigger tank.

Any full tank shots to see what it could have looked like ?
Thanks, sorry no full tank shots, hopefully i will be upgrading to a 350litre tank soon aswell. ;)
Thats some REALLY purple rock :)

How long has the tank been running and what is it stocked with?
Cheers, it hardly had any purple on it when i bought it and was covered in hair algae after a few weeks, its my first marine tank and has been set up for 12months now.

stocking is
2 clowns,
2 bangii cardinals,
1 orchid dottyback (this is my fave, although only comes out at feeding time)
1 sea hare
1 BTA anemone
1 green star polyps
1 zoanthid colony
mushrooms all over the place

any suggestions what to add next?

ammonia = 0
nitrite =0
nitrate = 0
phosphate = 0
calcium = 400
pH = 8.3

cheers :good:
Pretty much anything really. Been as im upgrading the tank size in a few months to a 350 litre i dont mind getting something that will outgrow the rio180 because they will be moving home soon anyway :shifty:
Some sort of sailfin tang then. A yellow tang would look nice.

Or a dwarf angel, a coral beauty, bi-colour or flame. They are my 3 favorite dwarfs.

If your looking to add some type of coral, add some type of soft coral like a pussey coral. That if your lighting is strong enough.

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