A Few More Questions

petey Z

Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
westport, CT
i was just curious about some stuff, and i have some questions

what is the best kind and brand of food, for cardinals, clownfish, gobies, dwarf angels, hawkfish?


are anenomes hard to keep for a beginner?
just like a small anenome to house a clownfish


Brine Shrimp Plus by formula foods is good, it has clam, shrimp, brine shrimp, squid, green algae, and lots of vitamins. Cyclop-Eeze is also known for its vitamin enriched foods, and therefore they are color enhancing as well. Unfortunately, anemones are notoriously hard to keep because of their high lighting requirements and that they just dont live long in aquariums. They can live pretty much immortally in the ocean, but usually about 2 years max. in the aquarium. There are some that are easier, like the condylactis, but that species if from the atlantic and 99 times out of a hundred a clownfish wont want them as a host. Maybe a year down the road try one of the easier to keep anemones, [like a bulb as opposed to a carpet] that will host a clown once your tank is really established. Some even say keep with a clownfish for best results.
also, wat protein skimmer would u guys put on a 38 gal tank???

im stuck between the
Prizm Skimmer -$90
Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer-$115
Cyclone Bak- Pak 2R+Reef Ready-$130
also, wat protein skimmer would u guys put on a 38 gal tank???

im stuck between the
Prizm Skimmer -$90
Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer-$115
Cyclone Bak- Pak 2R+Reef Ready-$130

anemones are expert only, they need stable water conditions which come from amature tank over a year old and very strong lighting
also, wat protein skimmer would u guys put on a 38 gal tank???

im stuck between the
Prizm Skimmer -$90
Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer-$115
Cyclone Bak- Pak 2R+Reef Ready-$130

i have the Coralife Super Skimmer the one rated for a 65 gal tank on my 55 gallon reef and works great i would recoment it to anyone. Are u going to have a sump i have mine hanging outside my sump its kinda and eye sore inside the main tank.
also, wat protein skimmer would u guys put on a 38 gal tank???

im stuck between the
Prizm Skimmer -$90
Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer-$115
Cyclone Bak- Pak 2R+Reef Ready-$130

i have the Coralife Super Skimmer the one rated for a 65 gal tank on my 55 gallon reef and works great i would recoment it to anyone. Are u going to have a sump i have mine hanging outside my sump its kinda and eye sore inside the main tank.

I would reccomend anyone of those listed, from what i have read they all perform well.

Placing a skimmer in the sump instead of the tank is a very good idea, it makes it far easier to collect, clean, ect, and is much nicer looking.

Coralife needlewheel hands down, the others you mentioned in my opinion aren't even in the same league.
Dont keep an anenome just for a clownfish. They are incredibly hard to keep alive for long periods and are expert only creatures. A common misconception is that clowns only host in anenomes but in truth they will host in just about any coral/algae that takes their fancy. I always use a sarcopyton for my clowns and its always worked wonders for them... err until now as my new clowns just dont want to know, they prefer the deresa clams mantle" :X :S Which leads me to the final part which is even if you have an aneneome for your clowns there is no gaurentee that they will host in it, in my large reef i do have a small bubble tip that came in as a hitchhiker on some liverock (when i got it, it was about 5mm across!!). Its no large enough to hst a clown (just) but they have not shown any interest in it at all.
alright so im def not getting an anenome and ill probly get the coralife skimmer, and yes i have a sump in which i will put the skimmer in.

thanks everyone and happy new year!
Just as a follow up to Nav's comment on Sacro's for Clowns.....I have a pair of Percs that have lived in my long tentacled sacro for ages with no problems at all. They tend to get a little freaked out when the sacro closes at night as they are left out in the open but they get over it.

Exhibt A:

Exhibt B:
I don't have any anenomes in my tank (well......a tiny little bubble one). I was just proving that clowns are quite happy living in a long tentacled sacrophyton as in the picture.

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