A Few Cory Questions


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Marietta GA, USA
Allright, so im thinking of buying some dwarf cories for my ten gallon, but dont really know a lot about them. I have done the normal google searching but was wondering if somebody had any first hand experience with them, or just knew a lot about them. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Sorry, don't want you to go ignored.

But really I only have a little unsatisfactory experience with the dwarf/pygmies.
Allright, so im thinking of buying some dwarf cories for my ten gallon, but dont really know a lot about them. I have done the normal google searching but was wondering if somebody had any first hand experience with them, or just knew a lot about them. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

yeah iv keept them before there really peicefull fish and go with most fish
i used to feed mine catfish pellits and flake and the odd frozen food, make sure your tanks cycled before getting some or ull lose them get some filter start to get ure fillters going , give them some were to hide make little caves or some bog wood to hide under
do regular water changes and you shouldent have any problems i think 4 to 6 will be ure limit in ure tank iv allways liked panda ,pepperd,albino,bronze corries but theres pleny more to choose from

hope this helps :good:
Well, alittle info:

The dwarfs swim more mid level and like to sit up in the plants. They get maybe an inch long and would be snack food for any larger fish. They look best in large schools and will schoal about in your tank in a little cloud. They are most interesting, but very vulnerable.

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