A Few Clown Loach Q's


New Member
Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
Northampton, UK
Hi all

I will be starting an aquarium in the new year, I have a Juwel Rekord 120, so 25UKG.
I am looking to have some clown loach in there, my questions are:

I have read different info on there adult size, ranging from 8 to 15 inches, what sort of size do they reach?

Are they best kept in small groups or will they be ok on there own?

Other fish I am looking to add are, cardinal tetras, blue neon guppies, some sort of dwarf gouramis. Is there anything I should steer clear of with clown loach?

Sorry for all the questions, got a few weeks on my hands before I can start cycling my tank (fishless) so gathering as much info as possible

Thanks in advance

I have read different info on there adult size, ranging from 8 to 15 inches, what sort of size do they reach?
In between 8 an 15 inches . It depends on lots of things, diet, tank size and age are all not least important :). You should plan on them getting to 15 inches, since that means they are well looked after.
Are they best kept in small groups or will they be ok on there own?
Groups, they should definatly not be kept on thier own, despite there being many people who do it with no apparent ill affects to the fish, you should at least keep one with another 2 of its kind really.
Other fish I am looking to add are, cardinal tetras, blue neon guppies, some sort of dwarf gouramis. Is there anything I should steer clear of with clown loach?
Not really, but clown loaches are not suitable for your tank unless you are going to be getting a new much bigger tank very soon(your tank is new so that would be silly, you would need to get a much bigger tank in around a year). Go for a different kind of loach, there are plenty similar but smaller ones to choose from :good: .
Thanks for the info, I suspected my tank would be too small, I think I will leave those out for the time being. I will see how I get on with this aquarium before I make a decision to go bigger. I will look into some other loaches.
My Lfs have some beautiful clown loachs in, the colouring is really nice. Will definatley have to look the other way when I pass that tank otherwise 3 of them will be coming home with me, and i'll need another tank.
Best learn to walk in the fish world before I run
You will need a bigger tank as they grow. Don't buy just 1 as it will be shy and hide away all the time. I had one at first from buying 2nd hand tank. I hardly ever saw it. I then found another 2 the same size so added them and then they are all together and not shy anymore. They also click to each other now.
I did have 3 clown loach but lost 2 to white spot,

The remaining one is happy neough in the tank he hardly ever shys away and has now got some new buddies....... 6 Tiger barbs!!! i hear it clicking away all the time so hopefully thats a good sign.

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