a doubty doubt!


Fish Addict
Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia Beach , VA, USA
hello hello evryone, me again with my annoyin questions :p if you want o go with sand on a tank...(like me my new one 30 us gal) is there any choices to put a kind of undergravel filter? or that would suck the sand ?
Hello again friend. It is not advised to use a UGF with sand as you suspected, the sand is just sucked through it making it ineffective. I'll also put in my personal thoughts that the UGF is not the best filter out there. I used to use them but much prefer the filters that I can clean, maintain, and even check to see how they are doing. There are die-hard UGF fans out there and some tanks do great for years with a UGF but for me it's no longer an option... to many better systems out there.

undergravle filters are the worst filtration i've ever used. Cleaning it takes me about 2hrs and then if things go wrong u've got to take the whole tank apart and well a nice external filter is the best and as for ur sand question well use silica sand it's good for plants and u can get it in different colours
I haven't used UG filtration for years - as alaskan says some people swear by them but I think they're really impractical because you can't get at the things! I'd use a canister filter instead.

I am not really sure why you would like to have both sand and a undergravel filter?

First off, the sand particals is very small, and might fall through the UGF plates and block half the filter.
Secondly the small size is the sand might causes dead spot in the UGF by getting more compacted in some areas that others..
thanx! i only wanted to kno so i dont have to buy any special syphon, and i wasnt only going to use the undergavel filter , i would use the common filter , thats all i wanted to kno... and a few questions just to get sure of what to use and what i want :
what filter would you recommend for a 30 gal?
what syphon? and also what air pump? i've seen one on my LPS and is a tetra deep water somethin like that.... does that mean that you can put it on the bottom of the tank? im confused :( :S
and finally what pleco would you pick ? oh and if you like what kind of plants and sand :p

and you can answer whatever u like

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