"No one is a failure unless you try"
I was thinking tonight (which is often dangerous) and came up with an idea.
We always gripe about Ebay sellers selling tanks that are far too small, but what about pet and fish shops all around the world that do the exact same thing? We all know of places that peddle "betta tanks" which are too small for any living thing to be housed in. So what's there to do about it? Well, I for one am getting irritated with the trend and just launched an email to Penn Plax. Their bow-front betta death traps are the ones I see the most, and maybe one email won't make a difference, but think of how huge this community of hobbyists is! Surely with enough effort we can make them listen?
Here's the email I sent:
"I've been admiring the betta bow-front tank kits for some time now and just discovered the betta acrylic cube from your website. Exactly how large is the acrylic cube in gallons? I've been interested in purchasing the bow-front tank kits (I love the way they're designed with the handy plug at the bottom and whatnot) but quite honestly, I think they're hideously undersized. I would never dream of keeping any fish in a tank smaller than 1 gallon, and was wondering if perhaps your company would consider making these tanks in a larger size sometime in the future? I'm sure you'd agree that the fish should at least have enough room to swim as nature intended, and while I do understand that small tanks are in high demand and it's good business, surely there's a compromise to be reached which would make both consumers and their pets happy?"
We always gripe about Ebay sellers selling tanks that are far too small, but what about pet and fish shops all around the world that do the exact same thing? We all know of places that peddle "betta tanks" which are too small for any living thing to be housed in. So what's there to do about it? Well, I for one am getting irritated with the trend and just launched an email to Penn Plax. Their bow-front betta death traps are the ones I see the most, and maybe one email won't make a difference, but think of how huge this community of hobbyists is! Surely with enough effort we can make them listen?
Here's the email I sent:
"I've been admiring the betta bow-front tank kits for some time now and just discovered the betta acrylic cube from your website. Exactly how large is the acrylic cube in gallons? I've been interested in purchasing the bow-front tank kits (I love the way they're designed with the handy plug at the bottom and whatnot) but quite honestly, I think they're hideously undersized. I would never dream of keeping any fish in a tank smaller than 1 gallon, and was wondering if perhaps your company would consider making these tanks in a larger size sometime in the future? I'm sure you'd agree that the fish should at least have enough room to swim as nature intended, and while I do understand that small tanks are in high demand and it's good business, surely there's a compromise to be reached which would make both consumers and their pets happy?"