A Couple Questions


New Member
Mar 2, 2007
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:fish: Hi, I'm new. This is my first post. :rolleyes: Anyway, I have a 10gal tank I just started consisting of 4 neon tetras. I am new to this whole fishkeeping buisiness so don't yell at me for stuff I don't know about. I have used a product called Cycle to help start cycling as it said it had large amounts of nitrifying bacteria. I'm in the US so UK might not have this stuff yet. Does it work? If so does it work well? Another thing is that the neon tetras are not recognizing their flake food. Why is this? Remember, I'm new to this stuff. :fish:
I've heard mixed thoughts on cycling products, it won't hurt your tank though. Neons can be very fragile fish so I wouldn't be too suprised if they die in a brand new tank unfortunately. Do you have a test kit? If you don't, go out and buy yourself one of the liquid test kits for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate (and read up on the nitrogen cycle so that you can interperet the results!) API makes a nice freshwater master kit. If you see a spike in ammonia or nitrites, your cycle isn't doing its job and you'll want to monitor your tank closely and do frequent water changes. Also, make sure you aren't feeding your fish too much while your tank cycles and don't add any more fish until you've got consistent readings of zero for ammonia and nitrites.

Since you just started your tank, your neons are probably stressed by their new environment, you could try a bit of frozen bloodworm or brine shrimp or freeze dried treat foods if they absolutely refuse to eat (remember to only feed a little!) Make sure that you continue to give them a bit of flake food as well since it's more nutritious than just treat foods.

Once your tank is cycled and you want to add new fish, make sure that you research new additions and plan out exactly what you want in your tank before you go fish shopping. It's very easy to make stocking mistakes in a tank that small, but you will have a lovely tank if you get it set up with the right fish, so far you're off to a good start!

Good luck on your new tank!
You really need to be doing 10 - 20% water changes every other day at the moment to help keep down the levels of ammonia and nitrite that will be building up as a result of your fish's waste. Eventually, naturally occurring bacteria will build up in your filter that will "eat" this waste but for now you're only choice is to dilute it with new water. Obviously dechlorinate it before adding and try and get it to the same temp. as your current tank water.

Once you get your test kit, post your levels for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. This will tell us what stage of cycling your tank is at. It will probably take at least 2 weeks before enough of the bacteria grow in you filter to deal with your current stock.

Whilst waiting. Read all the faqs and articles pinned at the top of this forum and the tropical chit chat one. They offer a mountain of newbie info. All the best and

:hi: to TFF
i don't think 'cycle' has any live bacteria in it.

instead, i'd get a 1oz pouch of marineland bio-spira if you can, at your lfs. the effectiveness of bio-spira is questionable if you buy it during the summer, but it's usually highly effective in the winter.

also, your neon tetras might just be settling in and getting used to the tank.
I second the recommendation on BioSpira. I just posted a message regarding my success with this product. Buying it in summer or winter shouldn't make a difference as long as your lfs received it cold and has kept it in a refrigerator. You can check out www.marineland.com and enter your zip code for a local dealer. Call ahead first and make sure the dealer has BioSpira in stock. Good luck.

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