A couple of questions


New Member
May 17, 2003
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Hi guys,

One of my Dward Gourami has developed a mark on it's face, the best way I can describe it is a spot including white head. Does anyone have any idea what it is, he seems perfactly healthy but the thing is quite worrying.

Also some of the leaves of my false plants have developed a white coating, this only seems to be since I added the sucking loaches and they ate all the algae of them. Any ideas?

Hi dvd,

Whats the paramaeters like and maintenance schedule like?

One 'zit' (for want of a better word) descibes it? - this is a new one on me - could it be an ulcer or impact damage from fighting/attack and an infection?

Again with the white coating - not sure - but I just take them out and wash/scrub them...

Sry cann't be of more help at the mo but give us some more info and we'll see what we can come up with :thumbs:

Does it look like a salt crystal on the fish? If so you may have ich. The white coating on your plants is odd, don't have an answer to that sorry.
It's probably easier if I show you. Here's some picture of the fish and a plant leaf.



Sorry m8 bad joke - couldn't resist :/

I actually had something very similar happen to my dwarf gouramis when I first set up my tank. Unfortunately I never did find a reason or cure for it. It seemed to affect only them and more on the gills. I threw loads of meds at them but it was a very slow distressful death :/ . As said I never got to the bottom of it and have never kept them since although I still think they are a fantastic looking fish -_-

Sorry cann't be of more help dvd but I'd be very interested to know if anyone else has had this problem?....

is it the spot below his mouth? From the pic it does look like ich.
From the description of it on this forum, I thought the spot looked too big for Ich. Also he isnt' displaying any odd behaviour, it's just rather unsightly.
Yes m8 its way too big for ich,

...more like an infection of some kind - broad spectrum bacteriacide wouldn't hurt - but as I said before I couldn't cure mine :/ had 5 die 2 male 3 female over about 2 months

Hospital tank would be a good idea....

....and some more help...

I thought you guys might like to know that this cleared up all on its own, the fish is now perfectly healthy as are all the other fish in the tank. God knows what it was?
OMG!!! My gourami just got spots like that too. He started hiding more since he got them. I don't know what to do.
The only thing I put in there was a general bacteria control. I guess this must haver helped.

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