A Couple Of Qs About Divided Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hey all,
I got myself a divided tank so I can move from 1 betta to 2. I just have a couple of quick questions -

First, the tank is divided by a clear piece of glass. Is this OK? Should I be covering up some of the glass so that the betta on each side can be afforded a little privacy?

Second, I am going to be moving the betta I already have into one side of the tank. Should I add him first and allow him to get used to it, or should I put both him and the new one in at the same time, so that they are both on even footing?
You should cover the glass. It is good for male betta's to see other male betta's just for a few minutes a day.

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