a couple bettas acting werid


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin
one of my ct males seems too be floating verticley for prolonged periods of time, hes been at this for a while now. acts like totally normal betta, eats fine and everything just this verticle swiming is starteing to bug me.

and my red plakat doesn't seem to be eating. he just naps all teh time, doesn't act sick or anything but he needs to eat. i know for sure that he wont take a pea, iv tried before. anyone have any other remedys for a betta's upset digestive system?

since i lost my one beloved dt male due to my own neglect, i haven't been takeing any chances, sry if this stuff is really simple and annoying :D
Need to no water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, what do you feed the fish, and what does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet, any laboured breathing, or lookin bloated, any signs of clamped fisn looking uncomtable, like shaking or twitching, or looking skinny in appearance.
How heavy is the CT's finnage? The first thing that came to mind is that his fins might be weighing him down :dunno:
he has some very heavy finage, but he has just started doing thing this, and there doesn't appear to be any labored breathing, guess he's just a heavy fish.

the reb PK hasn't eaten in 3 days that im aware of, he also hasn't pooped, so im pretty sure he's backed up or sumthin. hes always pooped werid, enstead of in smalls peices liek my other fish, he always passes large round rock shaped terds, but i hadn't thoght anything of it since he appeared to be fine.

as far as water quality goes, its pretty much just tap water, i asume the ph is between 7.5 and 8.0 im about to do a 100% water change on everyone now, so ammonia will be 0. and the tubs are 1.5g
alright, my male ct appears to be acting himself again, must have just been tha water quality (even thogh it was just fine) -_-

and my pk male is eating again! all he needed was salt clean water and an almond leaf :thumbs:

thanx guys :)

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