A comment from my husband...

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Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
My husband and I were having breakfast this morning (at 4:00 - way to early - but that's irrelevant) and he was looking at the fishtank (it's right near his place at the table). Then he says "Having a bigger fish tank wouldn't be so bad." :eek: :)

I was suprised to hear him say that! When I was in a dorm room, he teased me about having so many fish and said I was filling up the room with fish and there wasn't going to be much room left for him when he came to visit. He really doesn't like the fish much either (prefers cuddly pets - so do I, but can't have those here). The only reason he (claims to) likes them is because I do and they make me happy. He has no problem with me getting stuff for my tank or getting more fish, as long as we have the money.

I asked him why he wouldn't mind the bigger tank and he said 'cause it would give the fish more space to swim in. Even though he doesn't say so, I think he kind of likes the fish :) He does like to watch them sometimes.

So perhaps I will get to set up my 29 gallon tank once I get it down here :) I hadn't planned to, mostly because of space issues. We could probably find a spot though, especially if I take down the 10 gallon (after the fish get moved to the 29, of course).

aka Married Lizard
lol, I'm not sure having a bigger tank will give the fish as much extra space as he thinks, especially after you but lots of new fish to add into there!!!

Cool husband though, maybe he could teach my boyfriend a thing or two! :D
lizard said:
the bigger tank and he said 'cause it would give the fish more space to swim in.
:clap: :thumbs: :clap:

Hopefully everyone would realize this!

My friend also said (he doesn't like fish either) that small tank are only cruelty to animals and he wouldn't put any fish in 200 liters either :rolleyes: or atleast only small ones (like small tetras etc.) But definately he thinks too that the larger the better.

Sometimes someone else than hobbyist him/herself knows better how to keep fishes :lol:
are you kidding me? he said give them a bigger tank! what are you waiting for girl??@!@!@! GO FOR A 400G!
Has my fella been talking to your fella??????? :unsure:

I keep coming home (from working away) to find he has aquired another fish tank :blink: and more fish :D

We have 5 now :) :whistle:

But we both love them all :fun:


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