A clean tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2004
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hey wassup? is there any way that i can get my tank fully clean? when i do the gravel vacuum n water change i get the gravel clean n ornament clean.... or so i think n then when i add the water 2 the tank all the dirt n poo that seem 2 just appear gets all stired up :-( is there any way 2 combat this? i want my tank clean as possible

also whats an air stone or a bubble bar? what do they do? do i need these?
You are pouring it in wrong, then. Place you hand an inch above the tank and pour the water on your hand, into the tank. This will keep the gravel from being stirred up too much. :D
Yer, add the water slowly. I use a five gallon bucket and slowly lower it into the water and once its submerged, turn it on its side. This way nothing is disturbed.

i get dirt to rise when i pour water in and i pour it as slowly as possible...

however, the dirt should settle and be picked up by the filter in a few minutes. I don't make a big deal out of it, i just make sure the bottom isn't distrubed when i pour it in
It's possible if you pour verrrrrry slowly. My husband puts the water in for my tanks and in both (which are both not very deep) he can pour it in so slowly that not single piece of gravel moves-yet it doesn't take that long. That man has the patience of a saint (lucky for me :D ) Anyhow, you can actually see the bubbles of the water going in and they only go in about half the depth of the water.

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