A case of the up & downsies


New Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Los Angeles, California

My 3 rosy barbs are new and they get along great. They just started to swim up to the surface, then go straight doen to the gravel or rock or decor and then they go back up to the top, down to the bottom, up to the top, down to the bottom. What is this all about? It looks like when you're in the pool and you are diving for quarters, and you run out of air so you go to the surface and get more air and go back down to try to find the quarters. Does this make sense? Is it normal? I also have 6 neon tetras in the 26 gallon tank that aren't doing the same thing. I don't know much, and I'm concerned. I have only had the tank 1 1/2 months and everything seems fine.

Please help end the mystery.

My 3 rosy barbs are new and they get along great. They just started to swim up to the surface, then go straight doen to the gravel or rock or decor and then they go back up to the top, down to the bottom, up to the top, down to the bottom.
They are simply getting oxygen from the air. They don't have a labrimth however they can get some oxygen from the air. They usually do this when there is a lack in oxygen.

I also have 6 neon tetras
I suggest you get at least 4 more these are big shoalers meaning they really need to be in a shoal of around 10. ;) they are in the same family as pirahnas (Characins) ;)
was your tank fully cycled before you added the barbs?, a month and a half is just about how long it takes to cycle a tank so that may or may not be it, do you have a test kit so you can check your ammonia & nitrites?
thanks for the response. I waited about a month befor I put the barbs in. They are fine usually (like now). They were just doing that one day.

What does cycling have to do with need oxygen? Will getting a bigger filter help with that situation? The test kits come out normal according to friends who have tanks and the LFS I consult.

Also... A brown rust-like spots are forming on my rock, decor, and gravel. What is this and is supposed to be in the tank? I am not that knowledgable, but want to keep healthy happy fish.

Thanks again! :rolleyes:
to answer your question: an un-cycled tank contains ammonia and/or nitrite, both of which are poisonous to fish because they block respiration. Nitrite often causes "darting" type behaviour as the fish try to get extra oxygen.

It is very important to understand about cycling a tank, even if your tank is now cycled because things can happen to tanks to make them do a mini-cycle, or you may want to set up another tank. So please read my article on "New Tank Syndrome" - follow the link in my sig.
Dude...Gracias, Merci, dank u, thanks!

I guess I knew more than I thought, but it is all so much to comprehend that I printed out the information on the link you have regarding Cycling because I'm sure I will second guess everything I hear. I get Sooooo much conflicting advise. It is hard to proceed when you just want a simple answer. But... this it is kinda fun solving the mystery which is keeping a tank of happy fish!

I still wonder what the brown "rust spots" that are rapidly forming on everything is?

I think what happened to my tank is that I over-cleaned the gravel. Thanks for the advice. So... SHOULD I get a bigger filter? If changing the media once a month is too much, then how often should I change it?

I have the 6 neon tetras in the same tank as the 3 rosy barbs. I want to add 2 upside down cat fish too. This is all in the 26 gallon tank. I hope that's nott too many. What do you all think? I am real apprehensive to do anything.

Also, I gather from my reading that if all the fish are congregating at the top of the tank. I should be concerned and do some testing, is that correct? I have been doing partial changes each week. Amonia has never been a problem since I have had fish, however, nitrite was at .25 once and I did one of the water changes and it went away. Whew! .25 is not good right? It should always be at zero.

My main worry now is the brown stuff.
Please help. por favor...s'il vous plait!!! :alien:

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