I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
I've decided to start planning my next tanks, but I still have quite a bit of research to do. So for starters, I'd like to ask you all a few questions.
One of the tanks that I would really like to get started on is a Gourami/Clown Loach tank. My main question is, do Gourami's and Clown Loaches get along together? They both seem to be very peaceful species, but I've never kept either so I'm not sure if they are compatible or not. I would also like to add a Spiney Eel (these I have kept before) or two, and so I was also wondering if the Clown Loaches would be ok with the eels? Also, is sand the best way to go with this tank? And are there any species of Gourami that can't be kept together?
I would also like to get a Cichlid tank, a Puffer tank, and a saltwater tank setup as well, but those will have to wait for now.
Thanks for helping me out here guys!

One of the tanks that I would really like to get started on is a Gourami/Clown Loach tank. My main question is, do Gourami's and Clown Loaches get along together? They both seem to be very peaceful species, but I've never kept either so I'm not sure if they are compatible or not. I would also like to add a Spiney Eel (these I have kept before) or two, and so I was also wondering if the Clown Loaches would be ok with the eels? Also, is sand the best way to go with this tank? And are there any species of Gourami that can't be kept together?
I would also like to get a Cichlid tank, a Puffer tank, and a saltwater tank setup as well, but those will have to wait for now.
Thanks for helping me out here guys!