A Bit Of A Tank Choice Dilema


New Member
Feb 6, 2009
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Hi all,

Im new to the forum and i'm just after some advice really.

I had my heart set on a new Biorb 60ltr with heater etc etc but then last night just before i entered my card details my dad offered me his, which is a regular shape and around 75ltrs

now my dads gear is pretty old so i would be looking at a new filter, air pump and heater .. trouble is i dont know where to start :( (gear wise)

at least with the regular tank i could have bottom feeders etc but on the other hand with the biorb i could have pretty much everything i need in one package.

the biorb 60 with heater etc is around £120 and so i assume that a good filter, heater and air pump will be less than £100 right? i would have to get a stand for my dads old tank aswell.

I would be looking at cleaning up and spraying the old top to my dads tank aswell as it is old .. back when brown & cream (not the band) was cool do i have to buy special paints? Ive currenty got a load of car paint as im spraying aload of bits n pieces for my car aswell.

anyway i was wondering what you all would suggest really?

thanks in advance

biorbs are crap IMO the filtration is rubbish, maintenance is hard.

a new filter and heater are gonna set you back about £40 you dont need an airpump.

i would go for an internal filter and fluvals are pretty good. a fluval 3+ would suit your tank

and for a heater these are pretty good

so your looking at £40

and dependent on your dads DIY skills you could make a stand from wood or if you have a cabinet with a top put it on that but ake sure it can take the weight.
biorbs are crap IMO the filtration is rubbish, maintenance is hard.

a new filter and heater are gonna set you back about £40 you dont need an airpump.

i would go for an internal filter and fluvals are pretty good. a fluval 3+ would suit your tank
<a href="http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/cat...dce29524d5b9e59" target="_blank">http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/cat...dce29524d5b9e59</a>

and for a heater these are pretty good
<a href="http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/cat...dce29524d5b9e59" target="_blank">http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/cat...dce29524d5b9e59</a>

so your looking at £40

and dependent on your dads DIY skills you could make a stand from wood or if you have a cabinet with a top put it on that but ake sure it can take the weight.

cheers for the reply. It sounds like refurbing my dads old tank is the better idea. I take it that with this set up id be able to have sand?
sorry if thats a really bad question but i think its better to ask than guess lol

thanks again

Hi resu :)

I'd take your fathers set up and try out the filter before buying a new one because it might still work. If that's the case, just get new media for it. I wouldn't take a chance with an old heater since it could have been damaged through careless handling and you might not find that out until it's too late.
thanks for your replies.

ive decided to go with my dads old tank for the time being ... gotta start cleaning it out and getting a stand for it :D

tho i went a seapets near me today to have a look at tanks and ive seen a Juwel 125ltr with stand for around the £180 mark lol stupidly tempting to get the plastic out ;)

i also saw a rather poorlly maintained Biorb 60 .. i was surprised on how big the are but im not a fan of their lava rock stuff that you get with it.

so my plan is use my dads to get up and running and see how i get on

then if all goes well ill buy the 125ltr tank i saw today and use my dads as a tank for the kitchen or somewhere :D

thanks again

im sure ill be asking more questions tho ;)
Hi resu :)

I think you made a great choice! Later, when you do upgrade, it will be easier. Then too, many people find that, somedown down the line, they would like to have the option of a second tank to raise fry or try out species that they weren't aware of at first.

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