A Bit Embarrassed


Aug 4, 2010
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Norwich, UK
I went to edit my sig to have all my fish there, but realised i didn't know how to spell some of the guys i have got, so i went into the fish index pages but couldn't find them!

The fish in question are Odessa [sp?!] Barbs.

Does anyone have these? does anyone have some good info about them, because i kinda bought them without looking too much into their habits and am now hoping it wasn't a mistake (they seem fine, but want to be sure...)

Thanks :blush:
If you have only males you might be ok; most male fish will only fight if there are females to fight over.
The reason for stocking more females than males, even if you don't want to breed is that the fish will and the females get too harrassed by the males. If you have more females, each individual one will get a break while the males are chasing one of the others.

As to specifics on Odessa barbs; they're quite shy and prefer a heavily planted tank with a slightly acidic pH and need to be in as large a groups a you have room for. They also need slightly cooler water than most trops (around 14 to 22 deg F, 65 to 72 deg C)
Hope this helps :)

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