A Big Thank You To Tff And Pfk


New Member
Oct 15, 2006
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I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the TFF users for helping me to rediscover why I got into fishkeeping in the first place. Some 18 years ago. (I'm 31 now)

Over the last few years I lost my way a little and became dissappionted with my tank and its presentation (36x15x12). It was only when I finally got sick of my yellow water and poor undergravel filtration that I consulted my LFS (Fishey Business, very helpful) in Burgess Hill, West Suusex, They recommended an external filter and whilst doing research into prices etc I came across TFF.

I have found so much information on the site over the last month that once the eheim filter i purchased (after reading all your reviews and comments) had cleared up my water problem I eventually changed my damaged 120L tank for a 204L Aqua One Euroview tank. I love the tank and I think the fish do to. The Eheim is giving the clearest water I've ever had and the fish have taken on a whole new vigour.

I only have 2 angels, a very quite plec which is black with gold ripples across it like sunlight rippling across water (about 4inches long and eats cucumber), and 2 tiny loaches (khuli loaches?) about 1 1/2 inches long that play and feed on the bottom, but within one week of being in the new tank the angels have spawned (see my other post in 'Chit Chat' : re what to do now!).
I've had the fish for a few years now with no such action

So the water is crystal clear, the tank looks great and I treated myself (and the fish) to a cool looking 'interpet' aluminium curved open T5 luminaire that I can stuff 4 T5's in, the fish have taken on new colour with the wide variety of tubes I have added.

The enthusiasm went on and I now get PFK to gen. up on all the latest goings on within our hobby.

So thanks once again for all your replies to my threads requesting advice and for helping get my enthusiasm back and ultimately for helping me create a better environment for my fish.



West Sussex

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