a BIG addition


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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Im gonna guess that is a frontosa. although im no expert. I love fronts. What a pretty pretty guy. Oh I guess that would be a hansom guy.

Oops thats funny. we were typing at the same time. :D
Aussie_Star said:
what tank is he in? they need at least 80 gallons
why does everyone have to comment on the tank size and say how big it needs, she was just posting a picture. I bet she is well aware of how big of a tank it needs
fufanu360 said:
Aussie_Star said:
what tank is he in? they need at least 80 gallons
why does everyone have to comment on the tank size and say how big it needs, she was just posting a picture. I bet she is well aware of how big of a tank it needs
sorry, not to steal the topic.... but fufanu360, for some chance do you ride bmx?
fufanu360 said:
Aussie_Star said:
what tank is he in? they need at least 80 gallons
why does everyone have to comment on the tank size and say how big it needs, she was just posting a picture. I bet she is well aware of how big of a tank it needs
some people think they need to be know it alls, just look at it like that.
i totally agree - wasnt looking for advice wanted ot just share a picture, and btw he is in a 55G where he is much happier then the 20-25G he was stuck in at the LFS, plans for a larger tank are coming up in 2-3 months when i find 2 female frontosa im planning on having them in a 125G+

and also make a note i am a guy :)

my GF is on this forum also and always posts the picture maybe u got mixed up ;)
Looking great cluster! Glad to see he is doing weel and good luck finding some females for him! :D

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