A betta miracle!


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I had this one little marble female from my spawn who has had swimbladder disorder from about the 5th week on. It was caused by bloat and she was progressively getting worse until all she could do was float on her side at the surface. Yesterday I tried to feed her some pea and she couldn't even reach it once it hit the bottom... she just couldn't fight her way down to grab it. She'd struggle with all her might and then finally give up and float back to the surface. Well, watching her struggle like that was really getting to me, so I decided to give it one last shot, even though she had never responded to anything I had tried to cure her (salt, peas, fasting, etc).

I dumped an amount of salt into her container that verged on being unsafe. I figured it would either cure her or kill her.

This morning when I started doing water changes, I noticed she was picking pea off the bottom.... wait, off the bottom?!? :hyper:
She's cured!!! She acts as if nothing was ever wrong with her! Woohoo, praise the fishy gods! I thought she was doomed to a life of swimbladder disorder, so I'm very, very happy to see that she's going to be fine after all :)
Praise the fishy gods! :clap:

Now, can they just cure the fin rot on Carp's tail real quick? Any time now?
It wasn't a good idea to post that, you'll have a line of people with their sick bettas a mile long by tomorrow :lol: :cool:
As requested :p
"She" has decided to be a he... I hadn't taken a close look at him in a while. He's pretty runty due to the struggle with swimbladder, but I think he has potential :)
jollysue said:
Such a little guy. So sweet. How do you know she's a he?
The anal fin is too long for it to be a female, methinks
aww what a cute little guy...very pretty...

I have to say I woke up this morning to one of my guys having something wrong I think with his swimbladder...it was like you explained he couldnt get down the the food that fell...and he wobbled all over the place...it was pitiful to watch him he was my first guy since moving into my apartment...and I was about to post on here about it then for some reason read this thread and got my answer! haha I used some salt in his water left a few live black worms at the bottom...and about an hour later he was at least able to balance better....by the end of the night he seems perfectly normal?! haha anyways thanks synirr!

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