A Betta & Guppy Fry?


Fish Crazy
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Newcastle, uk

I've recently bought a 6-7 gal tank, to keep my guppy fry in until they're big enough to take to my local pet store of which im exchanging them for credit etc.

I've been interested in keeping a betta for a long time and until i find the right one (and seek advice) i dont want to buy one. Would it be okay to keep a betta with say 5-10 guppy fry in a 6-7 gal tank? Would they be able to live alongside each other okay?

I just thought a betta would make a pretty edition to the tank and i was told this tank would be a perfect size to keep one.

any advice would be great, also does anyone know of any online fish suppliers? There is only one pet store near me and they dont have any, i get most of my supplys online.

Thanks :thumbs:
I agree it won't work, the betta will eat them.
Shame, it was a nice idea in theory :(
I suppose if i decide one day to stop breeding them, i could always keep the fry with the betta, providing theres plenty of plants etc. and places to hide, some fry may survive ?
Or would that be considered cruel? to let nature do its thing, im not sure.
I guess it really depends on if you want the guppy fry. People buy feeder guppies for feeding other fish, so feeding the fry to your betta wouldn't really be worse. Personally i like to see guppy fry grow up because they are all unique. I did have a female betta living with my first pair of guppies. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe that I would know when to take the betta out or that she wouldn't eat them if she was well fed, but the guuppy went from kinda fat to very thin one day and I never saw the fry. I asked someone about it and she said if jill was having fry then she was sure Jack and Jill and Opal were all well fed.
:drool: Mmmmmmm..... wiggly protein. :drool: :drool:

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