a 30Gal Gift!!


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2003
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So yesterday, I had this call(cable guy) and this lady had a tank and stand all dusty in her basement.. I asked what she had kept in it and if she planned on setting it back up. She said she had a goldfish and a "black fish with big eyes" and both were dead after a month or so. She said take it! I tried to give her some money but she refused. So I am the proud owner of an All Glass 30X-tra high and a nice wooden tank stand. Along with many "Little Mermaid" type decorations, 3 jugs of activated carbon, some Jungle brand chemicals, an airstone, two airpumps and a semicomplete Regent Aquatech 10-20 biowheel filter(no biowheel).
Now what to do with the tank. I'd like to go marine but the depth of it scares me off. It's 24x24x12.. I'd also like to think about a Discus/Ram/Krib tank.. Lotsa plants. What would You do?? :)
I dunno anything about marine tanks, but a krib or ram tank sounds good. :) I've been thinking about getting kribs again, so that's probably what I'd get. On the other hand, I've always wanted a chance to get some rams... Heh, I'd probably waste several weeks trying to make up mind. ;)

By the way, I think discus need more room than a 30g.
Yeah... No discus.. Too much work ;)
So it's either going to be a Marine tank or a heavily planeted South American dream...

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