A 29 Gallon Tank


New Member
May 27, 2006
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Delaware USA
What do you guys think I should stock my 29 gallon tank with? I was thinking either stocking it with Convicts, guppy's, or swordtails. If I stock the tank with either guppys, or sowrds I will put in some cory cats as well. I would like to get responses as soon as possible, seeing as I will being to the pet stroe in the next day or 2.
Go with what you like...

All the fish you mentioned would be fine in a tank that size, although personally, I'm not keen on any of them and would stock the tank around a pair of Rams.
I would not reccomend the convicts. They are highly aggressive and if you have a mating pair form, good bye to all other fish(even other cons will be abused). So if you want a peaceful community go with swordtails and guppies and cories(around 4 of them b/c they school together) like you mentioned. Just when is comes to the swords and guppies, choose all the same sex unless you want loads of fry.
I'm not trying to make a community take. I plan to stock the tank with either swords, guppys, or convicts. Not all 3 and I only plan to put in corys if I get swords or guppys.
i got a 29 gallon i have it stocked with the following:

4 tiger barbs
2 green tiger barbs
2 a silverish blueish tiger barbs
about 2 get 2 more albino tiger barbs

2 cobalt blue dwarf gouramis

and a red tailed black shark..

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