A 10 gallon, but been outside.......


New Member
Feb 7, 2005
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Oshkosh Wisconsin
Hey everyone, I have a 10 gallon that has been outside all winter with the crushed coral in it. I would like to make a 10 gallo nnano reef, but if I cant use the crushed coral again, I am not going to. Do you think this would be okay to make a 10 gallon nano reef using the coral thats been outside, thanks. Its been in the garage so no bugs or anything there!
Aragonite sand seems to be more popular than CC, but I think if you put the crushed coral in salt water straight away everything will die on it. Fresh water kills salt water organisms, and salt water kills freshwater organisms (unless they're brackish :rolleyes: ) so it should be fine to use. If you're still worried, boil it.

I can't see any problems with using it :dunno:
Okay thank guys I am going to wait until I get my brakish going shouldnt be too long, at most a week til I get the puffer, And then I am going to use a sand bed in my nano-tank. It will be awesome and 12 gallons.
I had a cichlid tank which was infected by feeder fish and was a total loss, the crushed coral substrate ended up sitting outside for the winter and I washed it with the garden hose and used it for the substrate beginning my fitst saltwater aquarium. I started with a small piece of live rock and one fish and have built on that, 4 years later, the crushed coral is teeming with healthy bugs and Ive only lost fish to "hunting" no need to waste coral, it is a limited resource!

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