You'll need a lot more snails. Astreas, turbos, and trochus are good. You might also want nassarius snails if you have a sandbed. Do you know what kind of algae you have? Diatoms, Cyano, hair algae? I'm assuming you have live rock?
Jeez... 9x2x2. Post some pics!
What are your stocking plans?
Titan trigger? can I have more information. Listen guys, I need all the help I can get. I had such a large empty wall, and it was a choice between a sideboard cabinet and a fire surround, or a massive tank. My brother works for Pilkington Glass, and has made me this super size tank. I have asked for a lend of his digital camera, so should have it this week. Come on guys! guide me, I want to make this tank stunning!
Yeah 2 turbo snails aren't gonna cut it... If the math is right that tank is about 270 gallons. More like 50 for now. So do you think we could get Musho's approval for a tang in this tank Lynden?