95 Gallon Tank How Many Fancy Guppies


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Aug 31, 2007
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setting up a 95 gallon tank i am just going to keep fancy guppies how many is the maximum i can have in the tank?
You should be able to keep at least 150 guppies in a tank that size. Most of them will be fry and immature young juveniles so they won't be the bioload of adults. The other unasked question that needs an answer is that you can keep exactly zero until the tank is cycled. If you are not very familiar with cycling a new tank, please follow the link in my signature area to the thread on "fishless cycling".
You should be able to keep at least 150 guppies in a tank that size. Most of them will be fry and immature young juveniles so they won't be the bioload of adults. The other unasked question that needs an answer is that you can keep exactly zero until the tank is cycled. If you are not very familiar with cycling a new tank, please follow the link in my signature area to the thread on "fishless cycling".

one other question i am using mature mediA such as gravel and mature filter that was running about a year in a cycled tank do you think i still have to wait for the tank to cycle also what is a good ratio of male to female guppies for my 95 gallon tank thanks
You should be able to keep at least 150 guppies in a tank that size. Most of them will be fry and immature young juveniles so they won't be the bioload of adults. The other unasked question that needs an answer is that you can keep exactly zero until the tank is cycled. If you are not very familiar with cycling a new tank, please follow the link in my signature area to the thread on "fishless cycling".

one other question i am using mature mediA such as gravel and mature filter that was running about a year in a cycled tank do you think i still have to wait for the tank to cycle also what is a good ratio of male to female guppies for my 95 gallon tank thanks
Hi there,as long as the media,filter and some of the water from the mature tank are swapped over and filter running very quickly the cycling process should be reduced but to put such a load on your biofilter straight off is asking for trouble...... the problem with mature media is the beneficial bacteria will start to die off in a very short time if there is no water and oxygen flow through it.... when this occurs u'll be left with ammonia and poorly fish. on the topic of your last question a ratio of 3 or more females to one male would be ideal but they will breed like rabbits :)
There is just one more thing tho...Since you are planning on keeping fancy guppies...Some people have noticed that in too big tanks male tails get torn even if you current isn't strong. When males chase females and other males around in a too big tank their tail get ripped. That is because fancy guppies have been bred in small tanks for many generations. Wild type guppies and females don't have that problem.
I've never seen a tail problem from giving fish enough room to swim but I guess anything is possible. The general idea for your breeding program is that if you start with maybe 2 males you really like and 6 to 8 females from the same line, the filter will respond as the population increases. A nice big tank like that means a high success rate with the first few breedings and a quick build to the ultimate stocking level.
well - it isn't a problem with normal fish, but fancy guppy tails are really long and heavy...

I also had a problem like that. But after a few generations of letting them breed in there - the tails were getting a shorter. They were still very colorful, but had significantly shorter tails unlike the ones I kept in a smaller aquarium which had long tails even after a lot of generations...(But it is true that I let nature take its course in the bigger tank)
I keep endlers in large tanks and find that the tank fills to capacity in a very short time with just a few adult females to start. The biggest difference between guppies and endlers is that guppies are bigger and so have bigger fry drops.
Whatever you do - post some pictures when you're done, 150 guppies sounds awesome!
if the tank is planted i suggest around 125 males,like a show tank ,i hope you will not going to buy all this guppys,just breed them in smaller tanks and select the best ones,,,we want some fotos.

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