92 Gallon Corner Tank With A Twist


New Member
May 24, 2007
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92 gallon corner tank ,lighting is and this eveyone always says is NO GOOD is Quartz hallogen. yes it is a little yellow but a picture is worth a thousand words. Eheim canister filter. plants include FOREGROUND-
Pogostemon helferi, Pellia,Dwarf sagitaria the bronze grass i do not know what it is if anyone knows please let me know.Mid ground nesea, rotala green, water sprite-wisteria.anubias petiet, baby tears,fissden. ph is kept at 6.8 -7.0 by Co2 injection. 10 bubbles per second due to the two foot drop with the waterfalls. Yes i know the more surface movement the less Co2 concentration or more injection is needed but the water fall is A HUGE part of my system, i have always gone against the norm and found a way to work things out. ALL the plants around the tank are feed from the water fall. i water nothing ever. all runnoff drops right back into the tank. 50-70% water change weekly. 8 agoo boos, 4 peacock digeons 3 flying fox 4 otto cats 2 simease algea eaters, 20 true red nose rummies 20 haliquin razboras countless ghost shrimp and ammano shrimp. two khulii loaches and a golden piscostomous . this should about cover it at a 1/4 th the price of a reef tank the old boring fresh water tank is making it's mark in the hobby. i wish i could get my pics below 100k but they get so small you can't see a thing so i'll have to live with a link
or use imageshack lol, i use imageshack cuz i dont need an acc for it
Link worked fine for me, and i must say that is an amazing tank....never seen one done like that.

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